Tuesday 20 December 2016


8. Sandwich
                                                               Dobby's Signature
Just adding  your favorite filling to your bread is another choice for quick breakfast. You can also eat your bread with either fried egg or stew plus your favorite beverage.

9. Bread and Egg 
                                                          All Nigerian recipes
Preparation time: 10 minutes
2 eggs, oninons , salt to taste, vegetable oil, diced tomatoes and pepper
·         Heat the vegetable oil and add diced oninons, tomatoes and pepper
·         Add the whisked egg and salt
·         Let fry and  serve with bread

10. Toasted Bread
                                                              Nigerian food tv
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Ingredients: 4 bread slices, butter, 1 tin of corned beef or 2 eggs or any other filling of your choice.
Equipment: Sandwich toastmaker
  • Grease  insides of machine with butter to avoid bread from sticking
  • Lie flat two slices of buttered bread and add fillings
  • Place another slice on top  of each one and close up  the machine.
  • Leave to cook .


Just add hot milk and sugar and your breakfast is ready.

12. Biscuits
Biscuits with a hot cup of tea is another good choice when you are almost late for work or school.

13. Pancake
Preparation Time: 15 minutes
A cup of all purpose flour, 2 table spoon sugar ,  2 table spoon baking powder , one cup of milk, 2 table spoon vegetable oil, one egg, a pinch of salt,  melted Sugar or honey, Onion and dry pepper (optional)
·         In a large bowl mix  together flour, sugar, baking powder and  salt
·         Make a well  in centre
·         Add milk, a beaten egg and 2 table spoons of vegetable oil
·         Add diced  onion and chili pepper( Optional)
·         Mix until smooth
·         Pour  about a quarter cup of mixture onto  a lightly oiled and heated pan
·         Cook till edges are brown and small bubbles are formed on the cake
·         Turn it over and cook the other side
·         Serve with melted sugar or honey.

14. Fried Plantain and Fried eggs
Just fry them and breakfast is ready with a cup of juice or tea of your choice.
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Ingredients: Ripe Plantian, Vegetable oil, salt to taste
·         Peel and cut your plantain
·         Add a pinch of salt and mix
·         Fry in hot vegetable oil
·         Serve with fried eggs and your favorite beverage

Now you should never go out in the morning without taking your breakfast, remember breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Also in the course of the day  you can substitute those eatery snacks with a good combination of fruits, it is good for your health. Stay healthy.

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