Tuesday 20 December 2016

Healthy  Eating

Healthy eating means eating a balanced diet.
Nutritionists say there are five main food groups :
1. Whole grains,
2. Fruit and vegetables,
3. Protein 
4. Diary 
5. Fat & sugar.
One single food group cannot provide everything we needs for good health, healthy eating means consuming the right quantities of foods from all food groups.

1. Whole grains

We should consume at least 3 ounces of whole grains per day.

A whole grain, unlike refined grains, still has the bran and the germ attached. Whole grains are rich in fiber, minerals and vitamins. When grains are refined the bran and germ are removed.

Whole grain products include breads, pastas and cereals - they need to be made with 100% whole grain.
Examples of Whole grain foods and flours include 100% whole wheat, brown rice, corn, oatmeal .



2. Fruits and vegetables
Health practitioners  recommend that we consume five portions of fruit and vegetables each day.
Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber and they are very important for your body to function properly.
This could include either fresh, frozen or canned, or dried fruit and vegetables.
A portion can be either one large fruit, such as an apple, mango, or a banana. It could also include one glass of 100% fruit or vegetable juice.
A vegetable or fruit  drink is one portion, no matter how big it is. Beans and pulses can also count as one portion.
We are advised to eat lots of fruits and vegetables  and also snack with fruits.

                                                                                                functional fitness 

3. Proteins

Proteins should make up about 20 to 25 percent of our nutritional intake.
 Protein is good for the building and repairing of tissue in our body.
Foods that are good sources of protein includes: meat, poultry, fish, eggs ,beans, nuts, soya.
We are advised by Nutritionist to ensure that the fat in meat be trimmed and drained away after cooking. The skin on the poultry animal should be removed.
Nutritionist advise we consume fish at least twice a week, preferably fish rich in omega oils, such as trout, fresh tuna, sardines, mackerel and salmon.
It is healthier to grill, roast or microwave meats and fish, rather than fry them.
It is also important that we don't take too much meat or chicken in our meals.


Legumes are plants in the pea family that produce pods that slit open naturally along a seam, revealing a row of seeds.
Some commonly eaten legumes includes: soy, peas, peanuts , lentils, clover, carob, beans
Eating plenty of legumes helps improve glycemic control in people with diabetes type 2, as well as reducing the risk of developing coronary heart disease.


4. Milk and dairy foods

Dairy products are a good source of calcium which is important for healthy bones and teeth.
Dairy products include milk, yoghurts, cheese, and some soya dairy products. Nutritionists advise that we should consume  low fat dairy products.





5. Fats and Sugar

Fats and Sugar foods includes products with very high fat or sugar content like : refined sugar, chocolate, cakes, biscuits, jam, butter, margarine, mayonnaise, non-diet sodas and so on.
We have two  types of fats - saturated and unsaturated. Cream, margarine and fried foods are high in saturated fats, while vegetable oils and oily fish are rich in unsaturated fats.

Having some fat in your diet is important but the we should aim at consuming unsaturated fats.

Excess consumption of saturated fats  increase the risk of heart diseases.

Regular consumption of food and drinks high in sugar can increase the risk for obesity and tooth decay.


Healthy Meals

·         Make sure you eat only small portions of carbohydrates in your meals.
·         Consume five portions of fruit and vegetables each day. .
·         Consume  low fat dairy products and unsaturated fats.

·         Reduce to the minimum your consumption of food and drinks high in sugar .



·         Try to cook your meals with little oil (i.e. Vegetable oil, Palm oil etc)

·         Add fruits and vegetables to each meal

·         Don't take too much carbohydrate in your meals

·         Don't take too much meat or chicken in your meals

·         Don't take too much salt or sugar or sugary products

Be creative and health conscious as you plan your meals. Consider critically these suggestions. Apply the knowledge in planning your food timetable.

Recommended Foods:

·         Swallow foods  with fish and  vegetables cooked with little oil

·         Fried rice or Jollof rice cooked with little oil served with vegetables or vegetable salad

·         Fruit or vegetable salad and boiled egg

·         Yam or potatoes served with green peppers and carrots

·         Whole wheat bread served with boiled egg

·         Beans, fish and vegetables

·         Moinmoin, served with grilled fish or chicken and coleslaw

·         Boiled yam or plantain with fish and vegetable stew

·         Spaghetti with chicken ,carrot, green pepper and vegetables

·         Oats with skimmed milk

Making  great effort at eating balanced meals is important for your health, whether you want to lose weight or increase your weight. The desire to add to your weight is not an excuse to eat anyhow. Medical complications may arise from uncontrolled eating lifestyle.

Keep the doctor away by eating right.


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